ABCT Services

Self Help Book Recommendations Committee Interest Form

Self Help Book Recommendations Committee

The Self-Help Book Recommendations Committee aims to provide the public with a resource for quality self-help books, while also supporting and facilitating ABCT’s strategic planning objectives of disseminating information to professionals and educating the public. Practically, that means each committee member agrees to review 2-3 self-help books per year. This entails undertaking a detailed reading of a selected book (that the author or publisher mails to you) to identify whether the book presents an evidence-based intervention based in CBT principles. There is a standardized review form to help guide the kinds of things to look for within the book. At the end of their review, the reviewer recommends the book be accepted or rejected for inclusion in the Self-Help Book directory on the ABCT website. Recommendations for acceptance go to the ABCT Board of Directors for final approval. The book is added to the site once that approval is obtained.

Importantly, we do not accept books “by default” (e.g., from big names in the field). Instead, we strive to undertake thorough and detailed reviews, and that means rejecting titles that do not meet our review standards.

If you are interested in joining the Self Help Book Recommendations Committee, please fill out the information below!

Please note: You must be a current ABCT member to serve on a committee.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Are you willing to serve on the committee for at least 1 year? *
What areas do you have expertise in which to review? Most members provide diagnoses and/or treatment packages/modalities (e.g., ACT, DBT, mindfulness, EX/RP, etc.) and/or topic areas (e.g., gender, sexual problems) and/or populations (e.g., adult, adolescent, child, diversity, etc.). *
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